Friday, December 7, 2012

A little Holday decorating at the Library!

Now that December's here it's seems like we are finally settling into a routing with Library Club... just in time for the holiday's and another vacation! This week we had almost 40 kids from all four grades come into the library to eat lunch and work on projects. 
kids got to pick from three choices: 

Series Signage had students designing posters to hang in our series section highlighting some of the great books we have to offer. Their artistry is pretty amazing and I especially love the posters that really reflect the books they are representing! 

Library Club Picks got the kids started on mini-reviews of books they love which will then be showcased all over the library. 

By far the favorite choice was the book tree! I was so impressed at how well everyone worked as a group to design and build the book tree. I gave them a few pointers (build big to little, keep thickness of books the same and put the spines facing out) and they were off an running. It was great to watch everyone come together, troubleshoot and get it built! My favorite part was watching the students find the perfect topper. I think their pick is awesome!

Stay tuned for updates on feature of the month and a glimpse at the great Series Signage these kids are creating!